Easily formatting a document to the Defence Writing Guide - JSP101 - can be made considerably easier with this MS Word template software.  However, it can only provide help with formatting - wording is down to you!

A guide to writing an effective document is the Writer’s Handbook from the MOD.  The January 2022 edition can be downloaded here.

This version conforms to the
Government Security Classifications document

 published in May 2018 which specifies the security classification marking and descriptors to be used on documents.

The software provides a military formatting system for documents to JSP101 and conforms to version 4.1 of the DWG effective from 2022 and in accordance with the above Government Security document.

The system is complete with a full help manual and templates for the documents specified in version 4.1 - Letter, Agenda, Minutes, Brief, Note and Submission - that can be easily amended for each user’s own requirements of logo, name, address etc.  The software installs correctly for versions of Word from 2007 onwards and works with 32 and 64 bit versions too.  It has been thoroughly tested, but do report any errors to the author who will try to correct them.

The software has been written by a former Army Officer and Senior Lecturer in Information Systems.

There are options to download either an automatic installation via a .exe file or for those who do not want (or are unable) to download and run an executable file, there is a .zip version which can be manually installed by the user.

*** Please read the document ***
“Installation and Use in Word.docx”

Which contains full instructions.


This version of the software - JSP101-v7.0 - was uploaded on 6 August 2022

JSP101-v7.0.exe is the self extracting archive that contains the software and which provides the automatic installation routines when run.

Some antivirus programs won’t let you download .exe files, so if the above link doesn’t work, you will need to download the .zip version.

JSP101-v7.0.zip is the zipped archive containing the individual files for a manual installation which can still be achieved semi-automatically, alternatively the files can be put in the correct folders completely manually if required.

Installation and Use in Word.docx is a Word document that explains how to install and use the system.

The software is free for anyone to use, but remains the copyright of the author.  It is used entirely at your own risk of course and the author cannot be held responsible for badly created documents!

Contact the author for more information

Hope you find it useful
but please let me know of any problems!

Conforms to the latest Version of the Defence Writing Guide JSP101 which is version 4.1.

Click here for a link to that document.